31 May 2010

I love...

The chosen one
I haven't had time for blogging as I've been busy starting up a couple of new projects which shall be revealed soon. But I can say that one of them is moving my blogs over on to my own server and restyling them both. This has been much more difficult and time consuming than I thought it would be but I've had some amazing people helping me and cheering me on. Where would we be in this world without friends and family?

I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I really hope to relaunch my blogs soon so I can do a proper catch up. Until then, I hope everyone is doing well and hasn't given up on me. And if you ever want to set up your own webspace, my advice would be to do a lot of cooking for friends in the know.


Johnny said...

Lovely photo!

A Girl in Asia said...

Looking forward to seeing the new site when it's ready!!

Fly Girl said...

Oh, site building and reconfiguring is so time consumming. It's one of my least favorite things to do, glad you have family and friends to help.

Cheryl Kohan said...

Wow....that's exciting! We'll all love your new blogs, I know. There isn't any way we'd give up on you!

Cheryl Kohan said...

Oh, and I must say congratulations on having your own server...that's exciting, too.

shantiwallah said...

Thanks Fly Girl (sounds like you've been there) and Cheryl:-)