Pizza toast!
Originally uploaded by Shanti, shanti
Remember the days of living on nothing but beer, chips and tea with the odd kebab thrown in for stamina on a night out? In England we had pretty much anything on toast and cheap (yucky!) white bread was only pence a loaf.
I used to go round my (now) husband's house and they'd be eating "sauce sarnies". Yes, you've guessed it, any sauce they had in the fridge like brown sauce, tomato sauce, and/ or salad cream would go between two slices of Spar's cheapest. On a good night they'd buy a bag of chips between four of them and a few of those would go into the mix.
At my house we were civilised in that we used fire. By that I mean, we toasted our bread. It's be toast with tomato puree and cheese. But, if we were lucky, someone would have some cheap dried "herbes de Province" and those would get sprinkled on. Pure luxury!
So the other day I was in the mood for a bit of nostalgic eating but I decided to make it a bit more posh. Wholegrain toast, leftover tomato sauce from spaghetti, real cheese and fresh toms with a bunch of herbs inside. On the side I had, shock horror, some green salad. Both the nostalgic me and the grown up me were satisfied.
Two days later Mr. P made me this. I guess he's grown up too!

Great post. Unfortunately, my diet is still terrible! :)
Om nom nom nom! I want some pizza!!!
funny! it's when you stop having the pizza for brekkie that you know you've really crossed the invisible line ...
Des- If you are a student or within 3 years of being a student (ie. the grace period) you are not supposed to have a good diet. It's only upon reflection of the damage that you've done to your liver that you start discovering healthy food. Until then, no worries, you're excused!
Shiela- If wee ever get to visit I'm going to get him to make this for you as a reward fro surviving a practically flour free household!
Niamh- But that's what I like about SEAsia. You can eat whatever you like for breakfast (OK, maybe not pizza)and nobody cares. Being able to buy something spicy and curried on the street at 6am. Now that's civilised!
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